The T-Series Story

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Music Piracy

The term piracy is generally used to describe the deliberate infringement of copyright on a commercial scale. It is illegal and criminal in nature. Music piracy basically refers to three kinds of activities:

• Counterfeiting - The copying of the sound as well as artwork, trademark, label and packaging of the original recording, with an aim to mislead the consumer into thinking that they are buying the genuine product...

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T-Series & Music Piracy

Gulshan's father Chandrabhan and his family moved to Delhi from West Punjab in 1947. The family members began selling fruit on the roads and within a few years, earned enough money to establish a small fruit juice shop. Chandrabhan later started selling pre-recorded music by opening a record shop. In the early 1970s, Gulshan began looking after the music business and named it Super Cassettes.......

The Unsolved Problem

Though GCI had won this case against T-Series, the problem of music piracy still plagued the industry.The music companies were handicapped by the legal definition of copyright violation wherein piracy was not a cognizable offence. The companies had to prove that cassettes were being pirated before getting a warrant of arrest. According to certain reports, music pirates were always tipped off about police raids in advance....

Gulshan - Pirate or Messiah?

Following the accident, the GoI filed a compensation lawsuit against the UCC for an estimated US$3 billion. However, UCC felt that the GoI was to blame for the disaster. In December 1986, UCC filed a countersuit against the GoI and the State of Madhya Pradesh...

